Great Weaver Birds of Sea Fair

The Great Weaver Birds of Sea Fair inhabit all of the regions of the Realm of Sea Fair. The Great Weaver Birds of Sea Fair are much larger than their cousins the Terralen Weaver Birds as the males may reach up to two pounds in weight and the females can reach three pounds in weight. The diet for the Great Weaver Birds of Sea Fair consists of seeds, insects, worms and other small creatures. These birds have a large conical rounded bill. The male's coloration ranges from blues and greens to reds, yellows and oranges. During the mating season, males of the Great Weaver Birds of Sea Fair can change their brilliance and color of their plumage.

The Great Weaver Birds of Sea Fair get their name from the large elaborately woven nests that both the male and female construct together once their courtship has begun. The nests range from 12 inches to 15 feet in length. The nest is comprised of an inner chamber with a platform for the eggs and chick, and outer chamber for storage of seeds and other foodstuff. The outer chamber is attached to a tree limb, pole, or structure. The outer chamber is attached to entrance tube or tubes that extend away and down from the chambers. These tubes protect the next from nest predictors. The nests are waterproof and weather proof.
