The Healers Guild

The Healing Sanctuaries of Dame Rose ath Silver Oak

The first healing sanctuary of Dame Rose was established on the King's Road to Maderia across from Rosie's Inn. After the second Healing Sanctuary was started, the High King of Azin had his heralds create a set of arms for Rose the healer. The arms consist of a field of green with a silver rose in its center. Each of the healing sanctuaries have Rose's set of arms along with a symbol denoting which number the healing sanctuary is. The sanctuaries are numbered in the order of their founding/creation.

The healing sanctuaries will help anyone that comes into their doors or are brought in by the staff. During conflicts all sides of the conflict will be healed no matter what their affiliation is. In TK 1048 an agreement between Azin and the Horde allows any of Dame Rose's team to walk a battlefield searching for wounded without the fear of being attacked. Two months after Azin and the Horde signed the agreement; the rest of the members of the Alliance of Nations and the Alquennas Trade Association also agreed and signed this contract of Life. In TK 1049, the Trista Confederation signed this agreement.

As Rose's healing sanctuaries are devoted to saving all life; they are strongly opposed to any and all undead creatures. The orderlies, healers, surgeons, midwives and the rest of the teams at the sanctuaries are trained to defend against undead creatures. While most of the members who work in these sanctuaries are fairly pacifistic, defending their clients against the undead is the one action they all can be very vehemently in agreement concerning.

The numbers and locations of the healing sanctuaries are:

Sanctuary Number Location of the Healing Sanctuary

Rosie Hamlet in the Maderia County in the province of Kent in the country of Azin on the continent of Cellenda

The hamlet of Rhoades, in the county of Azin in the country of Azin on the continent of Cellenda

The town of Kullen on the 12 Score Island Chain south east of the continent of Cellenda

The city of Della in the country of Aphane on the continent of Vitainnia

The port city of Silk in the country of Moshven on the continent of Cellenda

The province of Draconic Splendor in the country of Kenda on the Kenda continent

The city of Luxor in the country of Terralen on the continent of Terla

The city of Lords in the country of Valinnia on the continent of Mednadda

Located just east of the city of Sterling in the Hamlet of Sterling in the county of Myra in the province of Kent in the country of Azin on the continent of Cellenda

The city of Dresden in the country of Valinnia on the continent of Mednadda

South of the city of Coventry in the country of Valinnia on the continent of Mednadda

The port city of Seaside in the country of Carwin on the continent of Xendarna

The capital city of Algorin in the country of Carwin on the continent of Xendarna

The city of Verdarn in the country of Verdar on the continent of Kenda
A Healer of the Healers Guild
The Barbers Guild
The Cyurgens Guild
Magical Healer Guild

Rose Healing Sanctuary 15

Rose Healing Sanctuary 16

Rose Healing Sanctuary 17

Rose Healing Sanctuary 18

Rose Healing Sanctuary 19

Rose Healing Sanctuary 20

Rose Healing Sanctuary 21

Rose Healing Sanctuary 22
