Religions of Alquennas (overview)

There are several religions in the Chivalry & Sorcery Living World of Alquennas. It should be noted that thanks to the Horde the idea of religious tolerance is the norm not the exception. The following is a brief overview of the religions. There will be more detailed documents to follow.

True Elven Religion

The True Elves believe they are the lost sons and daughters of the Faeries. They believe that one day return to the realm of the Fae. Their religious beliefs focus around those of the Fae and are not shared with any other races.

Great Elven Religions

The Elven religions are of the land the seasons and cycles of life. Brother and sister moon

Wood Elven Religions

When the true elves abandoned the wood elves the wood elves believed they were saved by the bright (goddess of light, lightning, etc.) Lady of Alquennas and thus they follow they follow the Bright Lady and several of the gods and goddess of Alquennas.

Dwarven Religion

The Dwarves were asked to come forth from another plan (earth) and they brought with them their customs and religion. The Dwarves religion is that of the Norse.

The God of Thunder asks the keepers of the land of another place to come forth to this world to help heal it. The Dwarves began to help heal the land. The God of Thunder can still be heard with his mate the Goddess of Lightening and light on stormy nights.

Human Religions

Humans have many different religions. The following is a list of the major religions of the human race that are part of Alquennas.

Ancient Religions

Tribal religions
Date: beginning of known time

The Two pantheons

Date: 2800 BK The two pantheons were brought together when two countries merged in a common defense against the Horde. The pantheons were very similar to one another. There both had a father of the Gods and several aspects under them.

The Religion of the Living Gods

Date: 3900 BK
Location: Terla
The kings were the living embodiment of their primary God. This religion was prominent in the desert lands for thousands of years and ended when the Ancient Empire of Man crumbled into dust in the Ariddia (ocean of sand). The exact date of their demise is unknown.

The Children of God

Date: 3500 BK
Their deity promises the Children of God that he/she will send a savior to redeem the world. It is written in their holy text that a Shepard saved them from the bondage of the Ancient empire and lead them to the promised land.

The New Religions

The New Religions refer to all religions that have surfaced just prior to the rise of the Kingdom of Man that is signified by year o (zero) in the current calendar of Alquennas.

Religion of the One True God

Date: Around 200 BK
The religion of the one true God sweeps throughout the world its message of peace and love. The messenger (prophet) claims to be the one the Deity of the Children of God promised. His message of peace and brotherhood swept across the lands. Several ancient religions are replaced by the religion of the One True God. These include the pantheon of ancient times.

Azatar Religion

Date: 600 TK
This religion gained prominence in the desert lands thus replacing the religion of the living God.

Faith of the Circle

Date: Around TK 1040
A woman came out of the Ocean of sand with 40,000 followers that believe she is the instrument of the Monarch. Their predominant belief is for peace through fellowship and understanding. They will not bring arms against anyone.

The Religion of Tilos

The nation of Tilos's official religion is called the Religion of Tilos. The religion is based on a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Tilos is primarily a human culture; however, the reach of the Religion of Tilos is far and vast. Several other races have embraced the Religion of Tilos especially the Haeflins of the 3rd Sphere and 5th Sphere of Haeflin Influence.

List of Gods of the Religion of Tilos
Zeus - Chief deity, king of the gods, sky and thunder god, womanizer, King of the Heavens and air.
Poseidon - God of seas, oceans, storms, horses, and earthquakes, water. Husband of Amphitrite, King of the Seas, brother of Zeus
Persephone - Wife of Hades, Daughter of Demeter, goddess of nurturing, Queen of the Dead, Maiden of spring
Hestia - Goddess of the hearth and home - always present, always listening, mild, Sister of Zeus
Hermes - God of messengers, tricksters, merchants, deliveries, Heralds, Diplomacy, Language, communication.
Hera - Wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage, Married Love, Duty, Childbirth, Heirs, Royalty. Queen of the Heavens.
Hephaestus - God of craftsmanship, forging, and fire. Son of Hera, Husband of Aphrodite
Hades - God of the underworld, brother of Zeus, husband of Demeter's daughter Persephone, riches, the unknown, the past, all that the earth contains, darkness.
Dionysus - Son of Zeus, god of wine & drugs, revelry, debauchery, parties, festivals, truth
Demeter - Goddess of all that grows, especially all foods, Harvest, and Life. Sister of Zeus
Athena - Goddess of Wisdom, Olives, home crafts & skills, victorious & virtuous battle, Daughter of Zeus
Ares - God of War in all forms. Lover of Aphrodite
Artemis - Twin Sister of Apollo, Huntress, virgins, Children, childbirth, Painless and gentle release/death
Aphrodite - Wife of Hephaestus, lover of Ares, Erotic love and arts. All types of Beauty and pleasure
Apollo - Sun God, Twin brother of Artemis, god of light, enlightenment, music, the arts, knowledge, healing, skill, Master of the Muses. Quick but hard and painful release/death.
Amphitrite - Wife of Poseidon, Queen of the seas, all that lives beneath the seas, sea currents.

The Gods of The Imperia Vitainnia
The Vitainnian Empire

The religion of the Imperia is very ritualistic and very concerned with omens and determining the will of the gods. It is also very concerned with influencing the will of the gods so that they are favorably inclined towards their worshipers on Alquennas. Much is made of the necessity of proper pious behavior as well as proper pious action at the proper times dictated by the priests. Sacrifice is required to keep things running smoothly and if things do not, then even the gods can be held to their "contractual" word and sacrifices can be withheld. Order, law, honor, and fidelity are among the most sacred virtues.

List of Gods:
The gods of the Imperia are listed below with their most common partner.
They are grouped into four groups:

The superior gods who are gods of the heavens and of thought.
The terrestrial gods who are concerned with the world around our daily lives and us.
The infernal gods who are the darker gods of the underworld and our baser natures.
The civic gods who watch over the world and maintain its order. On the other hand, they also mete out any needed punishments.

The Superior gods
Jupiter - Chief deity, king of the gods, sky and thunder god, King of the Heavens and airJuno – wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage, Married Love, Duty, Childbirth, Heirs, Royalty. Queen of the Heavens.
Diana – Twin Sister of Apollo, Huntress, virgins, Children, childbirth, Painless and gentle release/death, the Lady Moon, Companion of Orion. Sibling of Trivia and Orion.Apollo – Sun God, Twin brother of Diana, god of light, enlightenment, music, the arts, knowledge, healing, skill, Master of the Muses. Quick but hard and painful release/death. Sibling of Trivia and Orion.
Trivia – goddess of crossroads, the harvest moon, mages, witchcraft, herbalism, portals, graveyards and torches and firelight. Twin sister to Orion, Sibling of Diana and Apollo, Bringer of fire & light to the people of Alquennas. Companion of Ceres.Orion – God of the Hunt, the Lord Moon, companion of Diana, Sibling of Diana and Apollo
The Terrestrial gods
Neptune - god of seas, oceans, storms, horses, and earthquakes, water. Husband of Salacia, King of the Seas, brother of JupiterSalacia – Wife of Neptune, Queen of the seas, all that lives beneath the seas, salt water, sea currents.
Bacchus – son of Jupiter, god of wine & drugs, revelry, debauchery, parties, festivals, truthCeres – Goddess of all that grows, especially all foods, Harvest, and Life. Sister of Jupiter, Companion of Trivia.
Vesta – goddess of the hearth and home – always present, always listening, mild, Sister of JupiterMercury – god of messengers, tricksters, merchants, deliveries, Heralds, Diplomacy, Language, communication.
Vulcan – god of artisanship, forging, and fire. Son of Juno, Husband of VenusMinerva – Goddess of Wisdom, Olives, home crafts & skills, victorious & virtuous battle, Daughter of Jupiter
The Infernal gods
Pluto – God of the underworld, brother of Jupiter, husband of Ceres' daughter Proserpine, riches, the unknown, the past, all that the earth contains, darkness.Proserpine – Wife of Pluto, Daughter of Ceres, goddess of nurturing, Queen of the Dead, Maiden of spring
Mars – God of War in all forms. Lover of VenusVenus – wife of Vulcan, lover of Mars, Erotic love and arts. All types of Beauty and pleasure
The Civic gods
Lares – These specific deities oversee a certain area. Usually a house or home. There are also estate, neighborhood, city, and state Lares. These spirits oversee and protect a specific place. They do not travel. It is possible to propitiate them or "buy them off" if one needs to take actions within an area.Genii – These are protective spirits of certain people or aspects of people. These spirits travel with the person they watch over. A male's Genii is his Genius, a female's is her Juno.
Manes – the Blessed Dead – honored ancestral spirits. These spirits were honorably buried and, at certain festivals, can be summoned to advise their descendantsLemures – the vengeful restless dead. These spirits mean active harm to the world above. Trivia is often invoked as protection against them.